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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

School (this entry's kinda pointless)

2002-10-18 - 4:41 a.m.

Hey! Someone from Peurto Rico just visited the site. Neat!

Part of the reason why I need to go back to school is because I need it for my writing. I used to have ideas all the time when I was in class...I'd start making notes instead of taking notes, inspired by some quirk of the behaviour of bees or something.

Right now, the only books we have in our house are theology books. Now, I don't have anything against theology. I like it, really, I do...but it just doesn't capture my imagination the way that straight history does, or the way psychology does. It has aspects that are really interesting, but ...

I miss school.



The Magus

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