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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Perfunctory Entry #6

2002-10-18 - 4:53 a.m.

I should warn everyone that my body seems to have been taken over by someone who writes like crap and doesn't care about anything and doesn't even care that he doesn't care.

You know what the most exciting thing for me right now is? That after work today I have an appointment to set up a savings account. Um...yay?

You know the most burning question in my mind right now? Do I have anything in my wardrobe that would match with a leather collar? The answer, I think, is no.

Do you think anyone would notice if I just decided to not work tonight, and left all of the dull, mindless tasks for everyone else to do? Would they be mad?

I'm not depressed, which is nice. What's nicer is that I haven't been depressed in a while.

What I AM is restless in that way where you don't actually want to do anything. I want to lay in bed and hold my arm up vertically for as long as I can. I want to sit on the couch, tv off, with my left arm resting atop my head, my legs stretched out, thumping my heels against the carpet. I want to lie on the floor and rub my hand over the rug, back and forth, until the texture is is a part of me.

All of those are things I learned to do when I was like 4. After I outgrew playing with socks, but before I outgrew playing with empty cardboard boxes. We had toys, but they were never as exciting as wrapping myself up with a blanket and pretending I was a worm.

Wow. Time to ground this entry in reality: we did not paint the walls, on account of the fight and stuff. If we had painted them, they would be a really, really, really light green. As it is, they are the same old cream-white colour, with splashes of that plaster-y hole filling stuff with a name that I know but can't remember right now. It's -like- spackle, but not...I think. Or is it spackle?

And good god, reality is boring.

And in other news, at the gym yesterday I walked past a lady wearing perfume that smelled exactly like the old Strawberry Shortcake dolls...not Strawberry herself, but one of her friends...the plum one. I have never owned Strawberry Shortcake or her friends, and only watched the cartoon once, I swear, so how the heck do I know the woman's perfume smelled like that?

If you've read this far, don't mind me, I'm just trying to be a little crazy right now. Get it out of my system.

It's not going.

And I still haven't finished reading the Karamzov Brothers. I have like 60 pages to go but I haven't picked the book up in weeks. Instead, I'm reading "Return of the King" and the 4th Harry Potter book, which Pookie says is brilliant but which I'm still kinda "eh" about.

Can I go home now? Please?


The Magus

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