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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Holy Bologna!

2002-10-11 - 7:35 p.m.

I just want to say that holy smokes, the freakin' banner ads make a difference. If you want a bunch of people to read you, get a banner ad. Just look at my nedstat thingy in the corner to see how much it's made a difference. Yoinks!

Now what happens if I get all self-conscious and can't write anything good?

I'm working a crummy shift tonight, which means I ended up having to get up 5 hours earlier, before the sun even set. I was all like "Ah! There's a ball of flame flying in the freakin' sky!" I wasn't really, but when I saw light streaming in through the tiny, tiny window I was a little weirded out.

And just think, the days are only going to get shorter for the next two months. I forget if I ever reached a point last year where I didn't see the sun in days...I think I did, but blocked it out. Maybe there's an entry somewhere in the vaults.

Oh Jeez, I should probably write up a cast entry, too. And a list of favourites so any new people don't have to be subjected to entries like this one where I use a lot of words and don't actually say anything. Work, work, work, that's me.


The Magus

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