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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A Funny Loud-Mouthed Know-it-all

2002-10-01 - 6:17 a.m.

I know almost nothing about South America.

I'm beginning to think that, as an activist, this is a big giant gaping hole in my fields of awareness. There are signs that all the cool activists know a lot about South America. I want to be a cool activist and get invited to all their protests. I want CBC radio to quit doing that stupid pipe in of news from Germany overnight and start doing a Buenos Aires feed. I mean, we already get BBC and "Radio Pologna" (I've decided that I will spell it like "Radio Bologna," even though I pronounce them so that they don't rhyme even a little bit). Who needs Germany? Suuuure, they're having problems in their government now, but that continent is -way- over represented. If they piped in some news from South America I would then be able to have news from 5 continents (6, if you count the Australian news as also including Asia...which it does, quite frequently. And isn't Survivor in Thailand this year? That's almost like getting an Asian perspective...).

Hey, look at this, I'm being all funny while talking about activism. I should be a pundit or something.

I'm also on the lookout for a synonym for "Activist" other than "loudmouth know-it-all." I've been overusing that word a lot.


The Magus

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