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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-09-09 - 12:18 p.m.

I have a feeling that I am going to be increasingly anti-George W. Bush as the fall progresses.

The man is a dink.

Warning: I am not going to pull punches here, and I'm also not going to say anything terribly original or, well, good. It will be pure venting. I don't make it a habit to insult other nations' leaders, at least not to this extent, and I realise that it is not terribly polite of me. I'm sorry.

The man is an utter dink. There is something seriously wrong in a world where he is the man who can decide and try to justify bombing other countries. He's like the high school bully who never outgrew being a bully, except he also seems like he wouldn't have been very good at it. I imagine him in high school, trying to steal lunch money and all the nerds and geeks secretly snickering about him behind his back. Everything he says, these days, grates on me. His idea of sensitivity wouldn't even find a place in a Disney movie. Ditto for subtlety. I look at him and I have no idea what he is: moron or monster. People like him should not exist, much less be "leaders of the free world." Leave the fact that he is pushing -so- -hard- to go and bomb another country filled with millions of people who -aren't- terrorists just so that he can get the guy who his dad could never grab even though his country doesn't even want to go to war (that'll change. Expect Saddam Hussein to do -something- that'll end up on the media to get the American files stoked). Forget that, because he's also going to be known as the president who got rid of freedom. Assuming history trudges on.

He tries to act as if this is the worst time to be a president, as if he doesn't want the extra responsibility these times have created, but you can tell that that's bullshit. He's secretly glad. The death of 3000 plus people was the best possible thing that could have happened to his political career. The government rolled over on so many issues, and so fast, that most Americans still don't know that they can be arrested and imprisoned without a bail hearing, a court date, description of their charges, seeing a lawyer...the right to a quick trial is gone, if you're a terrorist. The police don't even need to present evidence, at least not right away, to lock you up. They just need to "suspect" you as a "terrorist."

I tend not to really wish death on anyone...even George W. deserves to live (on a deserted island, far, far away), but whenever I hear him speak, I want him to stub his toe. Repeatedly. The same one, every single day.


The Magus

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