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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Explanation of the People Parts.

2002-08-30 - 1:42 p.m.

I want you all to know that I gave my "People Week" entry a 3-parter lead up, before I realised that it actually is really only a 2-parter.

Oh my god, Busmallis from Oz is in this 1992 movie! Gah! (<- to borrow a phrase).

Okay. On topic. Yup.

I had intended an entry for the black lady, but not the one I wrote. I hadn't intended to wait the week. I was cat sitting.

I've also realised that the midnight shifts are doing the opposite of help when it comes to my actual, publishable fiction writing.

So I forced myself to write the prologue to my novel today. It sucks as a prologue, but I've realised that the titles can (and will, dammit!) work in a very Oprah-tic way to reflect the themes. If Oprah likes my book (and I will send her a copy, dammit!) I've got it made.

So, anyway, there may only be a second part to the People subject, and that will be a little more shallow than the last.

Oh, and, since no one on Earth has decided to enter my contest, which I opened a couple months ago (Actually, April 25th), I shall remind all that the deadline is tomorrow.

The prize is $5. Which, honestly, I will pay at this point.

The contest question was to find the 3 entries I had made, up to and including April 25th, in which I was drunk.

Ah! The naivite of youth!

Oh, and Ivan saw the Devil, and Dmitry was convicted of a crime he didn't commit. The real murderer has hanged himself. Less than a hundred pages to go.


The Magus

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