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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Calling All Bibliophiles!

2002-07-27 - 10:09 a.m.

Hey, I had an idea.

I'm going to start writing stuff, and then start sending it out to publishers.

My big problem with this was that I didn't know what I could write about, in the non-fiction biz. And it turns out, I can write about non-fiction.

In university I was a book reviewer for the school paper, and I think I did a fairly decent job. Better than some of the reviews I've seen on the web, anyway.

So, my question to you, fair reader, is: Read any good books lately?

Specifically, has anyone out there read anything non-fiction and culturally significant? Or at least interesting from a cultural viewpoint?

I figure, if I get a list of these books, and buy and review one book per month, I should have a portfolio that I can then show around to folks, and maybe eventually get them to buy me books.

So, if you've got a book that you think I should read, please let me know. I know you won't let me down. When I'm rich and famous I promise I'll remember all of you: the little people.


The Magus

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