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Trading Spaces

2002-07-27 - 1:27 p.m.

Our cat's name is "Cat," but in a different language. That's because we combine the sublime with the banal.

Which is why I can discuss theology and stuff in one entry, and then make the next entry a list with my feelings of the people on Trading Spaces.

Trading Spaces is a wonderful show. If I were ever to be on trading spaces, here is what I think about the people I might be working with:

Ty (carpenter): If it must be, it must be. If I'm lucky he'll wear something skimpy.

Amy Wynn (carpenter): Yes! I want her to be my carpenter! Please! She rocks!

Frank: I will work with him, but please do not let him near my room. In fact, he's in the top two of people I would like to work with. His rooms look fairly easy. His homework is never too tough, and he never gets mad when it's not done. It'd be like working with Santa Claus. With woodcuttings.

Vern: He's cute, and I usually like his rooms, though they aren't usually me. He's also a jolly slave driver. He'll smile while he sells your firstborn into slavery. So, working with him would be tough, but at least I'd know the other home owners would be getting quality stuff. I'd be okay if he did my room.

Genevieve: I -so- would love to work with her, -and- I think she and I share a similar style. She is fun, and she's not "too" anything for me. Her energy might get on my nerves, but she also has shown enough cynicism and Gen X savy to make it bareable.

Laurie: She's okay. Her rooms, more often than not, make me shrug and go "enh." No violent hate or like here.

Doug: He is my favourite to watch. He is so abrasive, it's like watching someone develop a rash in stop-motion photography, which (I think) would be kinda cool. When he's on, I really like his rooms. When he's off I want to cry. Working with him...I'd have to keep my mouth shut, but I could do it.

Hildi: Okay, she's the one who put shards of glass on the fireplace. She made the "tent" room, which is right up there with Doug's useless "movie theatre" room. Someone once said that there is no comfort in Hildi's universe. I'm sure she'd be fun to go drinking with, but please let her be in someone else's episode.

So there ya go.

Next entry: something so deep it'll blow your mind. Or something else that's not very deep. I'm a wild card, man.


The Magus

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