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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The Plan, Stan.

2002-07-24 - 4:05 p.m.

The plan is (as I'm led to believe) that Pookie and 'guest will be leaving in the wee hours of dawn this morning, around 4am, so as to make it to Fredricton before nightfall.

The tickets have been purchased, and Pookie and I are relying heavily on loans from Pookie's brother and Pookie's friend, against my mid-month paycheque.

Pookie and 'guest will be driving to Halifax and should arrive sometime on Friday, where Pookie will have all the pot he can smoke.

I am off tonight, as I am tomorrow night, and then I have four more days of work (and one day off amongst those) and then I will be hopping on a bus and arriving in Halifax 26 hours later, for nearly a two week period.

So, I will continue writing until then, O Readers, and, if I have access to a computer that won't expose my internal ramblings to my family, I will attempt to sporadically update until my glorious and eventual return.

For those who are curious, I intend to return to this great city of Toronto with lots of pot, all for me and Pookie, to last us through our periods of no-cannibis-age.

Of course, that's only a plan.


The Magus

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