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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Tardy, tardy, tardy!

2002-07-24 - 8:32 a.m.

My relief is late, which is, on one level, okay, because I know it's just one of those traded shifts/misunderstanding things that happen, and because I will get paid for the extra half hour or whatever. On another level, it is not, on account of me not wanting to be at work any longer than I have to be. At. All.

And in the midst of that paragraph, the late (<- but not in a dead way) co-worker called, so that takes the pressure/concern off immensely, 'cause I know she's coming in now.

Which completely makes this entry pointless, but in a good way, because I will be going home soon.

Oh, and 'cause I promised a scathing entry toward the coworker as punishment...

Bad Coworker! Bad! I hope your house is invaded by communist felines! I hope you are forced to transmute all of your angst into well-formed prose-that-could-be-poetry and that people will read it! I curse you to a day of monotony broken only by high expectations and low regard!

Okay, I really only meant the last two. It's too bad it'll probably be the last one that happens. I mean, communist felines? As if!


The Magus

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