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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-07-22 - 6:11 a.m.

For some reason, I don't really have anything I want to write. I could probably go back a few entries, as I seem to recall there being some subject ideas way back there, but that's not where I'm at in my headspace right now.

Two things: I guess the economy is shit right now. Bully for it. Bush is calling for renewed faith in the free market economy. He won't find faith from me. I'm busy putting my faith in socialist/humanitarian systems that take into account that human beings are -also- a product of any industry or economic system, and places their well-being over any gain to be made in a relatively narrow field of influence. So, let the free market crumble. I'm just hoping that something better is put in its place. (But then, who am I kidding? The rich folks want to stay rich. The system won't change, just the richest players...ah, but a Magus can dream).

Also, you would think, what with Pookie being a Catholic theologian, that I would be making more entries about the Pope coming to visit. But I'm not. He bores me, even though Pookie insists that the politics of who will replace him when he dies are very, very important. I'm probably not even technically Christian anymore. In that I have real doubts about Jesus being God. I'm more along the lines of Jesus just being a very charismatic would-be socialist.

My pseudo-friend doesn't drink alcohol, and I'm a little embarassed to admit that that severely limits whatever activities we might enjoy together. Basically we can watch movies at the repertory cinema, and we can march for equality, communism, and to burn George W. in effigy.

And lastly, here is a note that describes what I did on the weekend, written by Pookie's brother's wife.

1:00 Lunch - grilled cheese, apple sauce, treat

1:30 Rest time in loft - they can watch 2 shows (tape is in VCR). You can put gate up and enjoy an hour to yourselves downstairs!

5 or 6:00 Dinner - lasagna (in fridge freezer downstairs), bread, 1/2 banana or yogurt, treat

8:00 bedtime. Change S's diaper. they should wash their hands + face. E must go pee - make her try even if she says she doesn't have to. Both girls have a CD player + "blankie". You can put up S's gate is she gets out of bed, but then remove after she falls asleep.

Please put gate at top of stairs when you go to bed. In morning, send them to the loft - channel 19 will keep them busy until 9:00 (tell E. to wake you after "Caillou")

9:00 Breakfast - any kind of cereal, 1/2 banana.

1:00 Lunch - Kraft dinner, fruit (any kind)


I don't know why I typed that was kinda dull, but when we looked at it before it was really funny. Maybe you had to be there.


The Magus

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