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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-07-22 - 9:10 p.m.

Woke up, and the house was empty, because Pookie and Friend have gone out, and suddenly I'm finding myself awash in melancholy. Or maybe not even melancholy, just that sense that it'd take less than a word to get me crying, sobbing, and that's not so good.

It must be something going around, because half the people on my favourites list aren't exactly all happy either. I had to stop halfway through the buddy's list, because I was reading surlygurl 's diary and couldn't focus at all on her happy entry.

Ah, self pity...where would the human race be without it?

I'm feeling as if something horrible is in the making. Sometimes I get like this, where I can sense wheels turning, the big machinery of the world churning out some disasterous consequence. Things are running behind the scenes, consequences of some ill-informed action I may have taken years ago.

I wish I could shake it, and I probably will, but this feeling makes me want to go back to bed, even though I work in 3 hours. Just pull the covers up, grab a book, and read, read, read because even if things don't turn out okay in the end of the book I can always stop reading, freeze the disaster in mid-culmination.

To my knowledge, no one has ever stopped imminent doom by hiding under their covers.


The Magus

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