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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Hey, another fight!

2002-07-23 - 12:20 a.m.

When one awakes grumpy, one should make a hat with a sign. The sign should say, "The Magus is Grumpy." And one should wear the hat.

Pookie and I had a bit of a fight just before I left for work. This is exactly how I don't like starting a day.

A supervisor is here, so I should be working and don't have time to get into a long rant about how angry I am (or maybe was...I walked to work, and so instead of seething with rage I just feel like crap), but I likely will when I'm on my lunch, mainly because I bit back a lot of nasty things and so feel unfulfilled, and also because Pookie was drunk (or at least not completely sober) and arguing when one person is drunk and the other person is grumpy does not lead to good conflict resolution.

Ah, heck, I got 6 minutes or so, let's see what I can type.

Basically, yeah, Pookie and friend came home, having been drinking, and Pookie came up to me and showed my some cd he had bought and said he knew it was bad since we're hoping to visit Halifax in a week, but he hoped it was okay.

For some reason, this, the 347th impulse purchase since we decided to visit home, was -NOT- okay. I said it was, and then jumped into the shower.

While in the shower, it occured to me that we are poor, and have bills and rent to pay. He stumbled into the bathroom while I was showering and wanted to talk about how much fun he had tonight, etc.

I asked him how much money we had, and he didn't know. I asked again, and he guestimated that we had around $540. That's basically the only money we can count on for the plane and/or bus tickets there and back, as well as spending money for around 2 weeks.

This makes me especially angry, because I told my sister that we would be there. She's 10, and I've not come through for her before, and I'd really like to follow through with something I've told her once in a while.

Anyway, we fought, and my shift starts now, so I will continue this later. Mwu HA!


The Magus

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