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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

"Whinge" revisited.

2002-07-14 - 4:13 p.m.

I pretend I'm okay with "whinge," but I'm not. I haven't actually heard it in conversation, but I still wince whenever I see it typed.

If you plan to type "whinge" -use- "whinge." I need it in my conversations before I can accept it as a word.

And I love England, I really do. But they have a lot of useless words under their belt. I mean, who says "trousers" any more? Honestly! And at least I've heard "trousers" in a movie or two, usually a costume, 18th-century-style movie. Though not -once- in any 18th century-style movie have I ever heard the word "whinge." I'm talkin' about a useless word, here.

"Whinge." Sheesh. Huh. Get a continent, people. Honestly.

Was that light-hearted enough to assuage my online guilt that I'm still feeling about the last entry?



The Magus

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