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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Flowery Prose.

2002-07-11 - 2:06 a.m.

Where have all the flowers gone?

Were they trampled by elephants? Eaten by weevils? Or were they ever even there?

Were they important flowers?

Can they be replaced?

I only ask, because I have gone bonkers.

No more customers! Please! No more! If the phone could stay absolutely quiet tonight I would be pleased to no end. I know that's not really a good omen for future employment, should all of customers stop, well, being customers, but it would be nice in the short term.

Were the flowers destroyed by massive floral lay-offs to make room for plastic plants?

In other news, my work review is coming up. Huzzah.

Who gives the flowers reviews? God?

I'm agnostic, sometimes.

Oh, and my pseudo-friend-from-the-protest emailed me, saying he had planned to go to the meeting tonight, but mainly to chat with me. This has imrpoved my day, and even if I do have an IQ of 87, at least I can almost make friends.

Of course, now the issue will to be finding out if he drinks or goes out or anything. I already know he doesn't do movies, and I'm not sure if he seems like a drinker, but if he is, that completely improves the chances of socialage eventually. A big problem is that he has friends. I've discovered that people already having friends and social cliques can be a problem for new friends, because you risk getting edged out by older, more established people. If I can initiate socialage, I think I may then be able to put into action some sort of "accidental death" plan which would then leave the pseudo-friend open and vulnerable to my pal-ability. After the ranks are thinned a little I can -

...I'm really over-thinking this, aren't I?

It's those extra seven points. If I was just a round 80 I wouldn't need to worry about over-thinking. Just normal thinking would be fine.

Can you tell I'm bitter about that IQ test?


The Magus

(I've secretly hidden the flowers in my secret headquarters, and will only reveal them once my plans for global domination reach fruition.)

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