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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Out! Now! Please!

2002-07-06 - 7:32 a.m.

I am thinking....very slowly, and very deliberately...that maybe I am going to convince Pookie that we should try and go out tonight.

The reason why this is slow and deliberate thinking is because I would like very much to spend time drinking with people I know. Like some folks from work. Like, socially. Which is generally unfamiliar territory for me.

I have now been working at this place for a year, and while I now know the names and faces of most in my department (ha ha, okay, all, except for the new girl who I've met exactly once, on account of her existing in the Day World while I, on the other hand, live in eternal darkness). I feel like, after a year, it isn't healthy that I don't have any actual friends.

By friends, of course, I mean people that I actually see regularly in social settings, whether or not it is a party or planned gathering. So this would include movies, walks, drunken binges, that oft-ephemeral "hanging out," etc.

The internet community is lovely, and all my regular readers are very important to me, but I guess nothing can replace actual people.

And though I like my co-workers, I don't think I can really call any of them "friends" because we only ever see each other at work, work functions, or by complete accident, in which case there's some awkward (at least to me) conversation before we head off on our seperate paths.

So, basically, the beings that I have a relationship that is even close to approximating the level of kinship and connection that is necessary for 'friendship' are Pookie, the demon anti-lit cat, and the poinsetta. Though, I only see the poinsetta at work, so I guess that doesn't count.

You know that entry about one of the downsides of communes is that you lose your sense of perspective by not having other people around?

I could very well be a member of a Theology-Feline Death Cult without even knowing it.


The Magus

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