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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Some questions.

2002-07-02 - 2:08 p.m.

I'm just going to mention, and not with rancor towards the citizens of the US, that only weeks after it was admitted that the US pilot was responsible for the bombings of Canadians (remember the frantic efforts to ignore or pin it on our "incompetance?") in Afghanistan, an Afghani wedding has now been bombed.

What sort of an effect does this have on army folk?

What sort of an effect -should- it have?

Is accidental murder still murder, even if it isn't completely accidental (Oh, man, I -so- meant to kill someone else. Sorry.)?

Do people think about the effects of war beyond the political, beyond the "practical"?

Is terrorism justified if you witnessed your brother or sister get bombed on his or her wedding day?

What if you wanted to show up, but couldn't make it, and had to witness your family get killed on the news?

What if you were in your early twenties and just dropped a bomb, and had to return home to a hero's welcome? Who would you be after that?

Do the people who deploy armies ever think about these questions? Do we want them to?


The Magus

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