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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A correction for the media.

2002-06-28 - 3:16 a.m.

One last thing before bed...

If you get any news about the protests at all, it should be noted that:

Contrary to what the Globe and Mail said on the 27th, a peaceful protest does not mean that protestors are less concerned. ALL media has been quite vocal in condemning "protestor" violence, so why is it that if we actually hold a peaceful demonstration we're suddenly dismissed as not concerned anymore? There were, at best guess, 5000 people at the first protest. The police reported 4000, and some of the media reported 1000.

Secondly: Protestors' "tactics" have not changed as per CBC Newsworld's report just a moment ago. What has changed is that the police were less itchy with the trigger. The 'Black Bloc' was present in force, but the police decided to not meet everyone with riot gear. This is commendable on their part, but quite sloppy of the newsmedia. Sloppy. Right.

And oh dear, I may have inadvertantly become a fanatic.


The Magus

PS: Agoraphobia, unlike the better-known AgorOphobia ("fear of the market place"), is actually the fear that you might murder your best friend for being a spelling Nazi while you, in your supportive excellence, have never blamed her for the "which half of the cat" confusion in grade 12.

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