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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-06-21 - 6:44 p.m.

And I think summers in Ontario are when I'm going to miss Halifax most of all. Last summer didn't count, because it was my first here and was filled with new experiences, new people, and being reunited with Pookie, getting a new job which, by comparison, seemed heavenly...

Last summer was a good summer.

But this year I'm missing Halifax a little. Humidity doesn't happen like this on the ocean. There's wind and the smell of salt instead of car exhaust. The rotting life in the harbour will always smell good to me, an odour of comfort.

I guess the ocean works itself into your blood, because I miss the lapping of small waves against the piers on the waterfront, the wind that makes the summers anything but the rank oppressiveness of summers here.

I have nothing against Ontario, or Toronto, and I've had a good time here, but I confess that one of my dearest wishes is to spend my final years on a coast, hopefully on the North Atlantic.


The Magus

PS: HRHGreggie, Pookie would very much enjoy hanging with you, as would I, so if you aren't working sometime, we should catch a beer. Perhaps invite a few others as well?

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