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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Tomorrow and Yesterday.

2002-06-21 - 4:48 p.m.

A hot and sticky day.


Tomorrow, Pookie and I plan to spend a day of shopping away his student loan. We're going to buy new clothes, look at a new computer desk or two, have some lunch, maybe see a movie, and head on over to Woody's/Sailors for a drink or two (or, as usual, closer to 50).

It should be fun.

Pookie's tired of people dying in his shifts. That's understandable.

And last night we argued about something that neither of us can clearly remember, but we also remember sort of working it out and talking, in drunken fashion, our way into a solution. That's a relationship that works!

I was probably being crabby, but I'm sure he was no angel, either.


The Magus

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