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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I'm Nervous About Ottawa (Reason One)

2002-06-18 - 10:24 a.m.

Okay, ignore the curse-word-y entry for a moment. That will be dealt with in the vague "later."

I have a story to tell.

About the first time I went to a protest.

It was grade eleven, and some pseudo-friends, guys who I'd sometimes hang out with but who'd bonded in a way that didn't leave room for one more, found out from a teacher that there was some sort of protest going on. I can't remember what it was for, but the Grits were in government, so anything protesting them is okay by me. Anyway, we were supposed to meet after the period after lunch and the teacher would drive us out. I didn't know the teacher, so I figured I'd just leave at lunch, skip a class, and meet them downtown.

I hopped on the good ol' 80 bus and headed toward downtown Halifax, looking for Province House, where the protest was to start.

It turns out that I had no clue as to where Province House was. I went to where I thought it was, saw no one, and then walked around the block a few times.

There were lots of people around, but I didn't ask any of them if they new where Province House was, or if they'd heard of a protest or anything.

I ended up walking around the city for a couple hours, feeling like a loser, and then eventually heading home. I'm not sure what I said to the pseudo-friends when they asked me where I was. I possibly told the truth, editting out the feeling like a loser bit.

This is what I'm afraid is going to happen in Ottawa. I used to live in that city, but I was 5 at the time, so I think I may need help with directions. I'm really hoping that I can glom onto some helpful group of protesters or terrorists or something so that I can find the bus when I have to come back home.


The Magus

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