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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Cold Turkey (Brr.)

2002-06-14 - 6:08 p.m.

We've given up, for the time being, drinking.


Which, basically means I've given up my biggest hobby next to reading.

We often try this, and fail after a week. It has almost been a week.

We are doing this because Pookie made a mistake last weekend.

Pookie has made such mistakes before, always while completely loaded. These sort of mistakes are one of the signs (in neon, ten-foot-high flashing lights) that Pookie, at least, may have a drinking problem.

I, however, am just giving up the drinking to help him out. Because I can stop any time I want to. Just because I haven't stopped longer than a week in the last five years doesn't mean I can't stop now.

However, if I do not have some marijuana in my possession by my birthday, I will likely be driven to kill someone.


The Magus

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