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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Glee! No, Really: Glee!

2002-06-14 - 8:31 a.m.

Oh, I could just giggle with glee!

Really, I could.


Okay, first of all, I signed up for the Seti@Home project, so now my computer is faithfully seeking out new life and new civilisations, which is good, because the latest incarnation of Star Trek is crummy. I hope I find an alien signal by lunch time, because I have some errands to run.

The next thing, and much cooler, is that I have a ticket reserved to go to Ottawa for the Kanaskis G8 protests on my birthday. Pookie can't come, 'cause he's working, which is problematic because he's often my rock in crowds, but hee! I'm gonna go get tear gassed or something! I've never been tear gassed, so I'm pretty excited.

So now I have to bust my ass to make sure that I can be informed and up-to-date on things, prepare myself to meet whole shwacks of new people, and maybe try to network so I won't be the only person that I know there.

I just got my confirmation email, so I'm all scatterbrained with joy and excitement and nervousness, so I should sign off now.

...and up until 2 minutes ago, I was feeling rabidly hostile toward people in general (the old lady who almost ran me over yesterday and all those rich people who don't give a damn about the poor folks beneath 'em in particular). Just goes to show that my people-hatred is at least partly contingent on my mood.

Oh Darn.


The Magus

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