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Rambling of A Magus

2002-06-12 - 5:24 a.m.

And new changes...

Okay, nothing huge...just added some more favourites, corrected my spelling of Stephen King's name 'cause it's been bugging me for a while, and that's it.

But, I do have a dream for a spiffy new the-magus site...I have an idea for what I want...same colour scheme, but with a tower (like something out of LotRs...thin, spindly and windy, with lots of creepy detail) on the left, a sky-at-dusk background and a darker-blue rectangle thing where the entries would go...I guess the Guestbook/Older Entries/Profile stuff can go on the right.

So, that's what I want. I have no clue how to get that, and I suspect I need a Gold membership to host the tower picture, but I'm toying with the idea of going Gold anyway...for about $30 a year, it's a steal.

Some folks may notice that John Fowles is a favourite author. Others may notice that my site name is the-magus. A very select few of you may notice a connection.

Actually The Magus is a name I assigned myself before reading the's a really long and boring story borne out of a geek-boy's fascination with fantasy and his inability to use "Mage" as a name on the internet because it is a popular name. It became MagusX for a long while, but I think I'm in the process of changing over to The Magus. I like it. It lends me an air of egotism that I don't get to express in real life. One day I'll be 80 and have magic powers and a long white beard and it'll suit my physical form as well.

The book itself got read because, at some point around my last year of high school and my first year of university I decided that if I meant to be a writer, I should be willing to expand out of my favourite genres of SF/Fantasy/Horror. I started with "classics" and now I comfortably read almost anything. If you're stuck in a genre, I hugely recommend branching out. For one thing, there are surprises everywhere. Good books, really good books, aren't limitted to one genre...they transcend sterotypes, and they force you to expand your world.

The Magus is one of those books that forces you to change your way of thinking, at least so you can get to the next page. You come out of the last page as a greater being for having read it. There are a lot of books out there that do this, but unfortunately they get buried.

So, now that Pookie's student loan has been approved, and since we've more-or-less patched things up (honest! You don't expect me to put -everything- in here, do you?), I'm gonna steal about fifty bucks from his coffers and find me a good second-hand book store.


The Magus

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