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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Too serious.

2002-06-12 - 1:02 a.m.

I've been getting negative-ish emails at work lately, and I'm not sure if I have the skills to interpret them. The issues are valid, but are they to scale?

I've been throwing up or suffering from Ibs for the last three days (Ibs, for those who may not know, is Pookie-Magus code for the shits, usually because of MSG or additives in food, or in the case of Pookie, brocolli), and I've been getting hot- and cold- flashes. Right now I'm almost shivering, a moment ago I was sweating. Do guys get hot- and cold- flashes? This guy seemingly does.

So I come in, and lo! An email about an email I wrote last night to a supervisor. Because I'm likely taking it too seriously, it seems like it's asking me about my customer service skills and maybe transphobia.

This makes me angry, frustrated, and when the hot-flashes come, makes me want to go, curl up in the office bathroom and never move. Which likely isn't healthy.

I don't think I'm transphobic, and for me that wasn't even an issue with the customer, but suddenly I find myself thinking all these stupid phrases that can be found in bigots around the world, just so I can make myself feel better...and that wasn't even an issue!

And I'll probably spend the whole shift grumbling silently to myself about this and just wanting to go home and curl up in bed and never leave.

Somebody get me a sense of humour.


The Magus

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