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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Hey, He Has A Life!

2002-06-06 - 10:09 p.m.

Okay, continue the hate-on for the man I love.

Told him about my whole "Can I actually be genuine around you, or does that hurt?" spiel. It's like 6 entries before or something. If you're new to me, just start from the beginning and go from there.

If you aren't new, do the same. Not because I'm self-centred or anything, 'cause I'm not. Heh. No, because we can all do with some reminding.

Anyway, I actually talked with him, and he interrupted me, but then interrupted himself about his interruptions.

Which serves just as well at disrupting an insecure narration.

And, of course, he is now in the other room, with door closed, with someone I don't know, and I've been -way- too much angsty.

I have questions about "participatory economics", that I will eventually explain, because aside from the issues I have with the idea, it's something worth fighting for.

And Pookie has just laughed hard about something the phone-person said. Harder than he laughs for me. Heh. I'm just generally pissed off. Anyway, I'm heading towards drinking my ass off. It's pretty heavy (my ass) so it'll take some drinking to get it off.


The Magus

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