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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

White Lie.

2002-05-17 - 2:36 a.m.

I lied tonight.

I was waiting in a fast food line, and some customers started proclaiming, "I'm handicapped!"

First two times, maybe it was funny. But maybe the 3rd, 4rth, or fifth time was enough.

After their 6th proclamation of handicapness they received their food. Their seventh proclamation inspired me to shout after them: "My brother's handicapped."

My brother isn't.

After I got my food, I walked by them, and uttered, "Thanks for being tonight's biggots."

Lucky for me, there was a cab right outside. I managed to hail him and then, as I was crawling inside, Bigot One and Bigot Two grabbed my shoulder. Apparently they mimicked Turret's syndrome because someone had asked that they use the "handicapped" bathroom.

I re-lied to them and said "My brother's handicapped, your comments were hurtful."

Apparently one of the offender's mother is 'learning disabled.'

Does that give him the right to shout out repeatedly, "I am handicapped!"?

The tone of his voice tells me 'no.'

And so, I'm glad I lied.


The Magus

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