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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Great Balls of Fire

2001-10-29 - 4:57 a.m.

I don't think I'm feeling very well.

I'm not sick or anything, just feeling this general sense of malaise, and I haven't been sleeping.

Last night I had a weird dream where everyone had to evacuate the city because a plane was going to collide with some generic Toronto building. The dream wasn't scary, really, although the image of a plane in flames flying in eerie slow-motion at a sky scraper wasn't that great.

We evacuated the city by hopping onto these life-boat/white water raft things and using an underground water-slide system. My boyfriend and my brother were with me.

When I told my boyfriend about the dream, he had the sensitive insight to ask if I thought it was prophetic.

Thanks. Hadn't considered that.

Two news items, one from a newspaper, one from CBC radio:

Americans deny war effort failing

Canadians will pay over one billion dollars on the War on Terrorism this year alone.

I think I'm not so worried about the whole Anthrax/kamakaze airline attacks as I am about the fact that so many of the things I hold dear, that I'd like to fight for, are going to be sacrificed for a war I don't believe in.

No new money for Health care, education, environment, social systems...but my wonderful government -does- have the cash to give to bail out the poor, helpless, multibillion-a-year corporate empires when they run into trouble. And new laws that -everyone- who should know says shouldn't go through -are- going through. For my safety.

If I happen to show up at a globalisation protest, and the police can arrest me and detain me legally, even if I'm -not- doing anything, does that make me safe?

Innocent until proven guilty unless We think you might do something.



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