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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Good News

2004-08-20 - 5:35 a.m.

What would Jesus say about the Catholic church's decision to not allow an 8 year old girl with an illness that prevents her from eating wheat to take a rice wafer for communion? Where in the Bible does it say "Let all the children come unto me, oh, except for the ones with celiac sprue disease."

A guy on the radio said that we have virtually nothing to worry about from terrorism compared to the current state of the world's environment and that, within the next 20-25 years, as the planet's population rides up to around 8 billion, we're going to see more conflicts over resources like oil, water, and food than over religious or national disputes. Not even resource-rich countries, like Canada, will escape the trouble.

Jane Jacobs, author of Dark Age Ahead, observes that science, as a tool for figuring out the universe in a useful and accurate way, is falling out of fashion. She points to the field of traffic engineering as an example, where the same rules that guided city planning sixty years ago are the rules used today, and no effort has been made to study modern traffic habits or to discover whether times (and therefore needs) have changed in the last six decades. The consequence is that Western civilisations may already be falling behind others (such as Japan's civilisation) in the fields of science and technology, an occurance that often precedes a civilisation's fall.

And finally, my employee evaluation went off without a hitch, proving to my twisted and bitter mind that I really ought to be going someplace else soon.


The Magus

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