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Stuffed entry

2004-08-12 - 9:04 a.m.

I'm about 3 pages away from finishing Two Cheers for Democracy and you'd think that I would be despairing of not reading any more E.M.Forster, except that I have a collection of some short stories of his, which so far are pretty nifty. Of course, after those, he has more collections of essays, and a book on writing that I can read. If I'm careful, I can probably stretch him out for another couple of years. There's no way that I can be careful.

Speaking of bad movies, there's a Canadian gross-out-sexcapade movie coming out (I think it's Canadian) that is getting some heavy promotion. This is fine, except that one of the guys in the movie is really, really hot, and he's only in the promo (and accompanying music video by Gob) for about 15 seconds, so I'm not able to quite get over my fixation on him. I'm sure that if I could just stare at him for a few minutes I'd get over it, but being teased like this has me almost considering seeing the movie, even though it looks like it really is an awful, awful film. If I want to see young men have sex with young women and then make fart jokes, I can just watch a movie on Bravo and then quickly change to the Comedy network.

Do I have any skills? I'm sure I must, but working on my resume has me convinced that I might be better off drugged in an institution with padded walls. I feel like a charlatan when I say "writer" on there. Or "editor". Or "bilingual". I hate not having a fancy degree, and I hate even more the fact that I have to either get a good job before I can afford to get a degree, or I could stay at this job for ten years while I pick up credits piecemeal.

The original plan was to have been with Pookie now, have him get a decent job and then he'd support us while I went back to school.

On the flip side, though, my freelance editing might be starting to pick up. By "pick up" I don't actually mean a paying customer, because that would be too easy...what's happened is that I've been getting in touch with people and building some connections with other would-be entrepeneurs. I may have the chance to work with a web-designer by editing his clients' content as a service he would offer.

I start school again in about a month. I think I'll be taking the "Writing for Magazines" course. I'm excited about it, and I'm even considering taking two classes this semester as I did last fall. It was tough then, but I was glad to have the extra credit toward the certificate, so it might be worth it.

This weekend I'm going to buy The Chicago Manual of Style which will complete the basics of my library. Yay!

I have no idea why I'm just throwing out news about me. Maybe next time I'll write a coherent essay-style entry, like I sometimes did in the days of yore.


The Magus

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