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2004-08-11 - 7:08 a.m.

I've been trying to get up early so that I can do some editing and writing work each morning when I would normally go to the gym (my membership was expired, and I won't be able to renew until Friday), but this effort is being hampered by the wonderful kitties who have been waking me up repeatedly over the last three nights. Still, they're cute and they do funny things, so I'll handle being a zombie for a little while.

I'm getting more serious about finding some other work. I'll have a resume ready and polsihed by week's end. Looking at the job listings has me nervous, though. Am I qualified? I don't even have a university degree. This not having a degree thing is going to bother me for a while.

And the last bit of news (and then maybe I'll start writing some interesting entries, eh?) is that I've managed to get my paws on a collection of old computer discs with some stories I wrote in the mid- to late-90s, including a screenplay that I kinda consider one of my best pieces from that era. I love personal archeology.


The Magus

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