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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Time for action

2004-07-08 - 5:43 a.m.

I'm learning that pointing at the computer screen and shouting "BE FUNNY!" is not an effective way to inject humour into prose.

In other writing-related news, I was listening to some REM song on the radio yesterday at work and heard a line that went something like this: "No one cares about what you didn't do."

I've heard that song (can't remember what it is, though) a billion times, but yesterday was the first time that line struck me so strongly, and I decided that it's really silly to drag my feet on my writing. I have a bunch of stuff that should just be sent out instead of being left on my desk waiting for me to remember it. This week I'm going to do a major edit of the novel I wrote last November, and then I'm going to take steps to get it to a publisher. There's no reason not to do it...I can't even claim social anxiety on that front, because I don't have to talk with anyone to mail something. Yeesh.

Clearly I'm in a better mood than I was last night. Funny how sleep does that to me.

I have to run to the gym, but I want to make a quick mention about Time's Arrow, a book by Martin Amis that I've been reading the last week or so. It's very good, even though the blurb ruined it for me by giving away the surprise twist. It's about a guy who finds himself living somebody's life backwards, and it's really interesting to see a world where doctors rip bandages off of people and shove them, with their bleeding gashes, out into the world. It's like a jungle-gym for my mind.


The Magus

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