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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Looming deadline

2004-06-24 - 8:58 a.m.

Ah, the perils of a would-be columnist...

I have my "real" webpage up (the address of which can be got from me if you want...just drop me a line in the guestbook with your email address. The reason why I don't put it here is because a)my real name is in the url and I'm superstitious about revealing that here (because my secret identity is so protected (insert eyeroll here)) b)The fewer links between that page and this journal, the better), and have been trying to make updates every weekend.

Most of the updates are still in the form of structural changes to the site itself, making sure the links work, etc, but I've been trying to make sure there is more content added, as well. The idea was to try writing something (an essay, a short piece of fiction, etc) once a week to have it posted.

But the week is almost over and I got nothin'!

Worse, I don't even have a subject I want to write about.

This is good for me, though. I like the idea of having a deadline, even if it's self-imposed, and maybe this project will keep me writing more often.

I now have nothing more to say. Darn.


The Magus

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