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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

New Man

2004-06-17 - 8:28 a.m.

So, now the compliments start rolling in. One of my supervisors said I look like a "new man." That's nice, and I'm sure that with years of dedicated practice I will one day be able to handle a compliment without looking like a deer in the headlights:

"You look nice today."

"...whu-huh? Wha...?"

It's taking me some time to get used to this. I'm probably about 3 months away from where I'd feel comfortable going, say, shirtless, but I'm at a point where my shirts don't have to be big, billowy productions designed to hide my fat. I can wear more form-fitting clothing, but everytime I do I start to feel self-conscious.

What I need to do is continue to remind myself that clothing is a right, and that I'm allowed to wear whatever scraps of cloth that I want, so long as I'm not breaking any decency laws (and/or distracting traffic).

I mean, when you think about it, it's really silly: I started working out because I felt self-conscious about my body and didn't like how I looked and hated having to wear clothes to hide myself. It's foolish to worry, after all the work and time I've put in, about all that stuff more than I did when I was heavier.

In other news, a community here in Toronto has won their court-thingy (it might be an injunction or something. I really ought to learn some of this law stuff one day) against McDonalds to prevent them from putting a drive-through in their neighbourhood. In fact, I guess there is now a bylaw against drive-throughs in residential neighbourhoods. I'm not sure if that makes any sort of difference, but it's always nice to see cases where ordinary people can still win against the big guys.

I am determined that this news is a good omen and that nothing will go wrong today.


The Magus

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