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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

More whining

2004-06-07 - 1:38 a.m.

The most frustrating thing about that last entry is that I simultaneously feel like it's both better and worse than I described it. I don't know enough of my language to describe my own feelings satisfactorily.

It pisses me off.

Also, I'm told that since I've been away one of my neighbours from downstairs has sent me a note complaining about the noise my cats make. I've never had a noise complaint before, but since I can't (will.not.) get rid of my cats, and since I have no idea how to get two kittens to play "quieter", I may or may not have some ugliness to deal with when I get back home.

Honestly? This agoraphobia thing isn't ever going to go away and I hate it, but I hate the rest of the world more, simply for being so difficult.


The Magus

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