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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

My Corporation

2004-05-01 - 6:28 p.m.

So, I just saw The Corporation. I still have my cold, and so I was too tired to take everything in, so I'm going to have to see it again, but I'll do that gladly. I had two sort of revelations watching it. I'll mention the smaller one now, because I want to talk with Pookie about the larger one. I want to sound it out with someone who knows me really, really well.

The smaller revelation was inspired by a line that someone said in the movie, about how the ideal situation for a corporation is a world where every human interaction is commerce, the trade of capital. It was just one line, but I realized that that phrase describes exactly the situation that I have at work. Every interaction I have with about 90% of the staff at work is for commerce: I'm "nice" to them so that I can get my paycheque.

Monday or Tuesday, I'm going to go and speak with my supervisor because she's concerned that I caught a cold that caused me to miss 4 non-consecutive ( there supposed to be a "q" in that word? I need sleep) days. I was absent one day out of the entirety of last year, but my supervisor is concerned about my commitment to the workplace. I am going to go in, and instead of being offended that my supervisor, who has no clue about how I treat myself when I'm ill, commented in front of other co-workers that I don't seem to be taking care of myself, I am going to listen to everything she says, nod, agree, smile, and promise, essentially, to never get so sick that I have to miss that many days again.

Anyway, Pookie just arrived, so maybe I'll reveal the bigger revelation in the next entry.


The Magus

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