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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

An Entry That Could Have Been A Lot Funnier, But I'm Sick.

2004-04-18 - 10:42 a.m.

I'm sick, still. The cold came back with a vengeance. So this entry is going to be short.

I'm tired of people using "mouth breather" as an insult, for a few reasons. The first is that I'm a mouth breather. I'm not sure why, but I breathe mostly through my mouth. Especially now that my nose is plugged up with snot.

The second, is that I'm not sure why "mouth breather" is supposed to be an insult. I'm not sure what character traits are being mocked. Is a mouth breather supposed to be stupid? Dorky? Annoying? Are those traits linked, perhaps genetically, to the way we breathe?

This entry would have been a lot funnier if I was healthy. But I had to let it be known that I resent "mouth breather" being used as an insult.


The Magus

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