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2004-04-01 - 11:21 a.m.

April Fool's Day always reminds me of my brother, mainly because he was the prankster in our family (and also because his birthday is at the end of April). I always feel like I should play a prank on April 1st, but I can never quite manage to go through with it. The only pranks I can come up with seem sort of mean-spirited, and so I discard them before even trying. Which always makes me feel a little sad.

However! I have requested (and received) a vacation day tomorrow, so I can't feel too sad, on account of it being a long weekend. I am quite happy about the long weekend. Tomorrow I will clean my apartment, run errands, and be really productive, so that I can spend Saturday being nothing more than a lowly sloth. Viva le Lowly Sloth!

So, I'm in a good mood today, but I'm also in a sort of retrospective-y sort of mood, too. Just thinking about how much I've accomplished recently, in losing weight, quitting the drinking, eating better, and in starting to take my editing seriously. I've pretty much done some editing every day for the last couple of weeks, which is a good sign.

Today (and some of tomorrow), my goal is to have my new website-thingy set up so that all I need to do is insert articles. I'm pretty much there anyway, but I want to have a decent template ready to save myself from headaches down the road.

On the subject of my website thingy (In Other News......I'll put a link to it when it's "unveiled"), I'm looking for "interesting links" that I can put on the front page, so if anyone has a site that they frequent a lot that has cool stuff on activism, social justice, commentary on pop culture and/or social trends, etc, or even just a link to a funny and off-beat site, I'd love it if people could send me those links. Preferably to the website's email address: [email protected] (hope that works).

Also! I'm looking for odd, interesting, or provocative pictures, if anyone happens to have one they would like to have published by good ol' me.

And, lastly, I think I'm going to make a page on diaryland with all of my freelance editing info. That way, if anyone wants something edited, they can get all the info before they email me. If I'm already editing something of yours, I haven't forgotten!!! I'm just being a bit of a procrastinator, and I'll almsot certainly have it ready by the weekend.

Hm. I guess that's it. I had a kick-ass workout today, and I'm excited about the weekend. Huzzah!


The Magus

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