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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Good morning, sunshine!

2004-03-26 - 9:19 a.m.

There's nothing like having a good workout. I feel like a million bucks. And, I have reason to believe that today might be a really good day, for the following reasons:

The rain, instead of seeming oppressive, is actually feeling's a warm, spring rain, washing away the old salt and the feeling of winter. It's the harbinger of a wamrer season.

I will have little-to-no supervision today.

CBC radio is having a special comedy day, wherein their mid-morning show, The Current, is being hosted by Scott Thomson (of The Kids in the Hall fame). He just finished hosting a discussion with Samantha Bee (from The Daily Show) and Rick Mercer (This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Monday Report), where they talked about comedy and the news. It was enlightening and funny. Scott is doing a great job as a radio host, and I wonder why I thought he'd suck.

I have pot again, and a brand new bong, and tonight the weekend begins.

Pookie is coming over this evening for a visit, and I'm feeling quite social, so I'm expecting a good time.

So...I know it's foolish to celebrate a good day before it even happens, but I'm going to take a risk and assume that today will be fun.

Oh! They just did a "for mature listeners only" announcement for CBC! How cool is that?


The Magus

PS: I just lost this entry, but at the last minute, I managed to copy it before it was completely gone. A bad thing averted on this really, really great day (in development)!

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