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Canadian Film

2004-03-10 - 10:53 a.m.

So, CBC radio just asked a bunch of people in New York to name a Canadian movie. Only one person (out of the 6 or so that they played) sort of got one: "What about that movie that won the Oscar? The Barbarian something?"

That movie is The Barbarian Invasions and though I haven't seen it, I heard it's good.

The discussion, though, reminded me of my favourite Canadian film, The Dog Who Stopped the War (the French title, I think, is Le Guerre des Tuques, or "The War of the Tuques"). It's about a bunch of kids who start a snowball war that escalates, and about their dog who brings them together.

I haven't seen that film in years, but if I could get my hands on it, I'm betting I'd still enjoy it. It's the kind of sad, loving sort of film that I enjoy...heck, I'm even getting teary-eyed thinking about it now.

If anyone is stumped on what to get me for my birthday or Christmas...

Anyway, even though Canadians avoid Canadian movies, I think there are some gems to be found in our special little culture.


The Magus

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