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Business matters

2004-03-09 - 8:23 a.m.

I meant to write another entry last night, simply because my mood completely changed - not about the website, about something completely different - but I was too tired.

Last night I met with my LETS co-conspirator, to discuss our project. LETS (which usually stands for 'Local Exchange Trading System', though some people like to change the acronym around) is a community-based trading scheme that provides a structure for people to exchange goods and services, even if they don't have money. The general idea is to create a system/community where money can't be used as an oppressive tool (ie, if I have something you need and you don't have any money, I can demand that you do all sorts of things, like rub my feet or get me a glass of water, even if you don't want to!), and where people are able to talk with each other, to create a stronger connection between suppliers and supply-ees.

Last night we talked about some other LETSes that have been organised, and we started to get an idea of what we want our LETS to be...we've decided to aim high, and if that doesn't work, we can still go the slow-and-steady route.

The great thing about aiming high is that I'm going to have to conquer some fears. Those fears coincidentally happen to be the same ones I have about starting my own business. The entire business world is a mystery to me, and I, at this point, don't even know what my first step should be, either in the LETS or in my own business. My co-conspirator has some experience, but for both of us, it'll be a Brave New World, I guess. Hopefully without all the dystopian features.

As far as my editing/publishing business goes...I'm going to start being more aggressive about getting ready. My first goal is to cover the stuff that I already know how to do, like preparing a work station, saving up money, learning to edit. My next big furniture purchase will be a desk, for example. I know where my "office" will go in my apartment, and I'm excited about it.

The next step will be learning how to run a business. I'm going to ask my step-mom (who runs her own freelance accounting business) for some advice, and I'll be taking a course at George Brown college on being a freelance editor (as a part of my certificate). I'm hoping that, by the summer, I'll be ready for my first client...and then, after that, I'll have to hope that I can build a client base over the next two years (which is as long as I plan to be working here for).

Ick. It all feels so up in the air in my head. I need a routine, so doing something that's actually new sucks. Oh well...I've gotta start somewhere.


The Magus

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