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Finances and editing

2004-03-07 - 11:11 a.m.

Ugh. I'm supposed to be selecting what companies I want to invest in with my pension fund, but so far all I've learned is that I have no ability to understand markets at all. I can either arrange a meeting with some strange guy that work is recommending, or I can call my step-mom and have her direct me through the process, and I'm not really keen on doing either.

Is it a wise investment strategy to just write "ANYTHING!!!" on the form?

I have a bunch of things to do today, including getting the investment thing-y figured out. I have to do some editing, both on the novel that I wrote last November, and some general editing to prepare for class on Tuesday. I also have to familiarize myself with how LETSes work, and start to come up with some ideas for a meeting with my co-conspirator tomorrow after work.

I'm also itching to start working on putting my editing business together, which will be a great big giant, nerve-wracking under taking since I've never run a business before, nor have I ever edited before. Despite my asking people to give me stuff to edit, no one has...

However, I haven't asked any of you if you have things for me to practice on, so if you do have something that needs an amateurish hand, let me know. Because I'm such a newbie, I'll edit anything for the low, low price of zero. My email address is [email protected], and ideally, I'd like to have a few days to a week to look at it (depending on the length), because I'm a big procrasti- er...because I will want to do some spiffy editing things that take up that much time. I'll take anything, fiction or non. And boy do I feel really unprofessional now.


The Magus

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