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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Magus and Darcy, up a tree...

2004-01-22 - 12:50 a.m.

It's kind of depressing that the two things I was excited about in my last entry, four days ago, still haven't happened. When I went to adopt the cat, there were only two left at the Humane Society, and they were both older than I was looking for. The attendant guy convinced me to wait until they got another shipment, and so I will either be kitty-collecting next week or next month.

Also, the cable people haven't shown up yet. They swear to me that they will be there tomorrow morning, so I have my fingers crossed. In the meantime, I've been watching DVDs non-stop, including My So-Called Life, and Pride and Prejudice, so if anyone wanted to see a grown man sobbing incoherently, this would have been a good week to stop by my place. (I wasn't really sobbing incoherently, but it's a badly-kept secret that My So-called Life can cause me to tear up in at least 4 seperate and distinct scenes, and Darcy, as played by Colin Firth, is just such a damn hotty, how can you not be touched when he expresses his love to Elizabeth, only to be rebuffed?)

I also have just received (thanks to Blind-Merv) the email address of an old, old friend, who I've basically lost touch with. I'm all stressed now, on account of having to write an email to someone who, the last time I spoke with her, things were just really, really weird between us. But it's a good stress.


The Magus

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