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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The Punchline: It's the ONLY movie I've seen this year!

2004-01-12 - 6:32 p.m.

So, because money came through (many thanks, Pookie), I indulged and saw Lost in Translation last night. Good movie, kind of sad, but not necessarily depressing. I can tell how much I've been spoiled by Hollywood by the way that I kept waiting for something to blow up, and was pleasantly surprised at the end when nothing had. And, let me jump on the bandwagon and say that Bill Murray is sometimes quite underrated as an actor. But then, I enjoyed "What About Bob?"

Thing is, I keep forgetting that I saw it, which is part of it's charm for me. It's not that the movie is forgettable, but it's so low-key that it almost has snuck it's way into my consciousness, in a good way. Also, it's the best movie I've seen all year!

It also seemed to cure me (at least temporarily) of the malaise that I've been suffering from for the last couple of weeks, mainly that I'm anxious for everything to stop being "new". It's a new year, a new apartment, a new body (more or less), a new "life", a new neighbourhood...In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, I can be a little resistant to change, and all of this new stuff has been a little overwhelming. I'm anxious to settle into routine for a while, to start feeling like I have a history where I am, which is something I don't necessarily have right now. Maybe I'm the sort of person who thinks of his past the way some people think of money...I think I feel comfortable, even rich, when I'm surrounded by familiarity, routine, the "known."

Of course, too much of a good thing (even money, I assume, though I've never experienced that sort of over-exposure) is not a good thing, and I need to shake things up every now and then (which is part of the reason why I moved to T.O.), but I like change to come in small, or at least chosen, packages.

And I'm at Pookie's library job where the computer has just informed me that netscape is shutting down. There may be a part two.


The Magus

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