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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Literary Angst

2003-12-08 - 8:24 a.m.

Okay, so I can see the appeal of Catcher in the Rye - it seems to be a fairly decent coming of age story (I say "seems" because I have about 45 pages left to read), it's easy to read, and the narrative voice is unique and consistent.

But goldurnit, I'm just not getting it. I'm waiting for something - anything - to happen. Only now, nearing the home stretch of the novel, has a character been introduced that I sort of like, and she's a little girl who hates her middle name. I'm hoping I can finish this book today, because I want to start on something else.

But I'm kind of disappointed...not just in the book, but in my perceptions of it. There are a lot of people who I know and respect who claim Catcher as their favourite book ever, and I wish I could see what it is they saw. Why is this book so good? I want to know!

Of course, I may just be upset because I'm in the middle of editing the most boring book about a murder ever written. The main character sees a murder, throws up, and then spends twenty pages cleaning his room. Who am I to criticize a novel for having nothing happen?

I slept poorly yesterday, and so now I am tired and apparently too cranky to complain anymore. I hope everyone is well.


The Magus

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