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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Writing with people

2003-11-18 - 7:13 a.m.

I am so tired.

I was just at a latenight writing session for the nanowrimo thing, and it was a heck of a lot of fun, although some of those people are really, really crazy (in a good way, I think).

Hanging out with real people in a non-work or non-home environment is such a good thing for me, even if I do have a minor anxiety attack everytime I get ready to go to one of these things.

I've been so schizoid lately when it comes to my mood, fluctuating between good and utterly hopeless and filled with despair within the space of minutes, but right now is a good moment, even if I think the writers were trying to induct me into some sort of cult.

I think I'm going to watch "Rosemary's Baby" (the movie that has replaced 28 Days Later) and then drop off to sleep.


The Magus

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