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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-11-16 - 9:51 a.m.

I was so grumpy tonight, due to a miserable day at work and an even more miserable customer, but I passed 30 000 words on a novel that isn't sucking completely (though I'm not sure if the story is any's feeling a little bland to me, but that's what the diting is for), so I should let myself feel too grumpy.

I work again tonight, which is not so good.

And I am so frickin' tired. I must go sleep. What a waste of an entry.

I also don't like my country's new Prime Minister (or does he count as PM yet? Either way, I don't like him).

Interesting world fact: as of last week, the death toll of US forces in Iraq surpassed the death toll of US soldiers in the first 3 years of the Vietnam war. I have no idea if those numbers are significant or not, because I do think they are completely different wars, but it's gotta mean something, right?

Oh! And, if I decide to get a certain over-priced apartment, there is a slim possibility that I might be able to get a dog! I haven't had a dog since my mom killed my last one (okay, we put her to sleep, which is essentially killing her, and I'm a little bitter because it happened only 2 months after I moved out...and two months after I moved to Toronto, my mom put my cat to sleep. My mom is a menace. She is not allowed near my pets ever again. Also, I haven't yet told any of my family that Pookie and I broke sick is that?), and I'm really excited about that prospect. I want a dog!


The Magus

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