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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

"And How Would You Lie Appropriately Under This Circumstance?"

2003-09-22 - 6:16 a.m.

If I fall asleep for an hour while watching "Cody Banks," that means I'm not drunk when I wake up, right?

Either way, I wasn't able to get back to sleep, in part because I've been thinking about work.

Basically, my "left-leaning" job has sent some very not-left-leaning emails and employee questionnaires out lately: ie, (I'm paraphrasing) "Please refrain from complaining about work outside of the office" and, "Tell us, which of your fellow peons are annoying you and why?" Also, they want to know how we handle stress outside of work, and what outside factors might be influencing our jobs.

I need new work, and I need new work before Japan comes up as a possibility: one year of lying to peoples' faces about my motivations is more than enough, thanks. I'm just... (wait for'll surprise you) ...kinda scared about trying to look for another job.

Oh man, I'm practically scared stiff about looking for new work.

I guess my entry about workers' rights isn't cancelled, just delayed.

I'll let you know when I start looking for a better job...


The Magus

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