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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-07-25 - 12:56 p.m.

I realized that there are probably only 3 or 4 recurring entities in my journal entries, and only one of them is human, so a who's who list would be really short, and possibly not terribly interesting.

So, rather than wade through the 700+ entries I've already written, the lazy among you can settle for this fast-and-dirty description of myself and my world.

I'm The Magus, and I want to be a writer and/or editor (right now it seems much easier to become an editor, so that's what I'm doing). I currently work the midnight shift at a customer service call centre for a gay men's voice personals line, which means that I look at pictures of penises and listen to recordings of heavy panting in an office by myself at 4:30am. I am gay, but let me tell you, the job's a lot less fun than it sounds.

I'm interested in social change and social justice, and tend to lean quite heavily to the left of the political spectrum. I like to think that my opinions are well thought out, but I'm fairly certain that most of them are just things I've picked up along the way without bothering with independent thought. I've been called an idealist.

My boyfriend and life partner is Pookie, who is finishing his Masters of Divinity. He's a Catholic, I'm agnostic, calamity ensues. He's a great guy, and I love him quite a bit. He reads these, but I still manage to put stuff up here that pisses him off. We're still learning how to avoid that. We've been together almost 5 years (anniversary is February 3rd), and plan to be together for even longer.

Pookie's cat, and now mine, is the Anti-Lit Demon cat, so named because he hates literature. He likes to eat anything with words on it. One theory is that, since he grew up on the streets, no one ever taught him to read, and so he takes out his frustration on printed materials. I've tried to get him to admit this, so that he can get help, but that Very Special Episode of the-magus will have to wait.

At work, there used to be a poinsetta that I cared for. It disappeared, re-appeared, and then disappeared again. It was recently replaced by a larger poinsetta that I tried to care for, but when I went away at the beginning of June, it died. There will be more poinsettas in the future, and I will be sure to record their exploits here.

Construction Zone Warren was the first construction zone that I ever knew had a name. He and I met outside of my basement appartment two summers ago when he was tearing up the road for repaving. He left, and I was sure I would never see him again, but there was a tearful reunion just a few weeks ago when I discovered that Construction Zone Warren was working on the road right next to where I went to school. It was awkward, because I didn't quite know how to speak with a construction zone in public, and Warren was shy while in front of the bulldozers. But, now that I know Construction Zone Warren is doing well, I have faith that we will meet again.

Everyone else in my life is either family, friend, or co-worker, and probably doesn't need very much explanation as I will include a brief comment whenever they come up (blind-merv, for example, is often preceded by "my best friend," because she is my best friend).

I'm realizing that I should have included a whole bunch of other stuff (like, I'm 26, I have a beard, I like yellow), but you can probably pick that stuff up by using my handy random-entry-finder just to the left (and possibly you'll have to scroll up, because this entry has run long). A significant portion of my entries have been made while drinking, so I would just try to forget those as soon as you see them.

And now I'm hungry, so off I go for lunch.


The Magus

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