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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-07-04 - 4:29 a.m.

Okay, so, I seem to be up. This is fine, since I work tomorrow night and therefore sleep during the night hours is possibly counter-productive.

Also, I don't want to sleep (for the record, my not using "-" on either side of a word to denote emphasis is because of my brand-spanking-new html knowledge).

Also, I have just realised, via reading random old entries, that I have no frickin' business in attempting editorness. Or editorising, or whatever the frick that's called. I mean, is "frick" even a frickin' word? And, for the record, my friends were using "frickin'" -long- before a certain Mr. Powers started. Where do you think he got it? Millwood frickin' High, circa the mid-90s, that's where!

Anyway, the point (and I might have one) of this entry was about music. Mainly in the sense that I have none.

I've dwelt on this before, I think it was last summer, but I was less secure back then.

At least two of the diaries that I read have authors who are fans of metal (I assume the modern, heavy stuff, not Metalica or Kiss or Spinal Tap or anything lame like that). I have no idea what modern metal sounds like (my "metal" experience consists of Metalica, Kiss, and Spinal Tap). I'd like to, one day, find out.

The best thing about working where I do is that people have freedom to play whatever music they want to. I tend to be the one who has no preference, mainly since I work for 5 hours by myself, and so I listen to -everyone-.

Listening to all this music has only reinforced the idea that I don't really have favourite bands, just favourite songs. It kinda bugs me that I don't have a particular genre...

...Not because it's wrong to not play favourites, but because it's not socially acceptable to have no clue who plays what, or whether I like a certain artist or not.

Sometimes I wish I could play "Name That Song" a little bit better. But I also wish I could hear as much genuine music as possible.

I feel like if I choose knowledge, I'll sacrifice experiencing things outside of my realm. But if I choose the path of the "naif" (there should be two dots over the "i" in that word: haven't figured out the html for that) then I'll lose the context, the language of the individual songs.

I think I've kind of chosen the middle path, the one that leaves me never knowing anything about the music I hear, but always wanting to know something.

The path that leaves me wondering, when someone asks me "what music do you listen to?", whether or not I should be hiding from all humanity.

I hope that this was somewhat coherent.


The Magus

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